Alfredo E. Pichardo alfredo.pichardo at browardschools.com
Thu Feb 12 09:46:43 PST 2009

I have just received my Fall Nationals Evaluation sheet..

As I started to read them..It became a shock to me that all 3 of our
entries submitted had "NO AUDIO" or pixelation problems...!!!
Did anyone stop and think.. Could we (judges) have a bad tape machine??
Let's try it in another?  Maybe a head alignment issue?

I personally check the tapes myself..and they where new tapes! We would
never risk a competition with old tapes..

Then all of a sudden a co-worker called, from a different school and he
had the same issue!!! All his evaluations said "NO AUDIO" Wow!!  Too much..
Did anyone else have this problem.. My judges initials where.. JM or RW.
Check to see if you have the same issues..


Alfredo Pichardo
CTV Advisor

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